Join us for a mystical and magical Hawaii experiential transformational retreat – life changing experiences take place in the Hawaiian Island of O’ahu! We will explore the heart of quantum illusions, lack and abundance, and be present in one of the most powerful vortexes of concentrated energy in the world which will exponentially amplify and accelerate all transformation, spiritual connection and change.
This is a calling to a Special Spiritual Retreat of learning and Meditation. We have learned to heal ourselves from our wounded self. Now, in your journey, join us in O’ahu, Hawaii, as we seek to stand and take our steps toward our purpose and calling in a higher consciousness of transformation. A one week gathering of participants dedicated to the exploration of higher consciousness through interaction with local and international presenters in the fields of science, wellness, and spiritual development – a retreat that is bursting with possibility, new paradigms, and an acceleration into personal and planetary transformation.
-To practice becoming aware of bringing into realization the 5th dimensional higher selves and realities.
-To learn ways to remove the filters that block us from our own knowing, and call out our own fears, habits, patterns and expectations that keep us behaving in ways that inhibit our highest potential.
-To challenge the cognitive dissonance that keeps us from seeing, feeling, and acting in ways that are outside the familiar.
-To begin to see that when we expect and accept what we call miracles, our lives will reflect our beliefs.
-To have fun while doing all the above.The spiritual energy of Hawaii, the heart Chakra of the Earth, calls us to the focal point. The retreat will explore the the sacred essence of Oahu, home of the stairway to Heaven.
In Hawaii, the abundance will awaken the spirit to its purposeful course:
The air will inspireThe water will healThe air will guideThe land will connectThe retreat will bridgeThrough experiential work, local sacred experiences, and personal transformation, this retreat will give you the opportunity to see your true self in a mindset that will bring clarity and focus to set a goal to success.
In this exotic and powerful place, where the veils are thinner, miracles regularly happen and anything is possible. Local and international presenters offer a life-changing program, with daily Sacred events available, and sacred evening ceremonies…and an extended vacation can be included should you choose.
Please contact for further information and/or to express your interest.
Aloha and Namaste!